Zone Concept Design

Conceptual Design

Conceptual Design


International Rock Star | Celebrity Impersonator_______________ “Welcome. I'm your …
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WELCOME to the Rosetta Stone Traveling Exhibit project! Anyone interested in …
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ROSETTA UNIVERSITY®: Solutionist Central

ROSETTA UNIVERSITY®: We are using the power of an ancient story that a relatively small …
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Design Concept of 5,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit

Each of the four zones will contain perhaps 8-10 exhibits filled with Gee-Whiz …
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ZONE #1: Rosetta Stone History (approx 1,250 sq. ft.)

Napoleon. War. Ancient Egyptian secrets. Enormous architecture. Larger-than-life …
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ZONE #2: Cracking the Codes (approx 1,250 sq. ft.)

Visitors will enter a highly participatory area that is both mysterious and …
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ZONE #3: Languages & Culture (approx 1,250 sq. ft.) How …

Visitors will enter into a themed area where backdrops would display a variety of …
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ZONE #4: Problem Solving and Connections to Modern World …

Visitors will enter this area through a modern type door and the entire design will be …
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Join us in shaping the future of education and innovation. Your support will make a profound difference in empowering generations through the Rosetta Stone project.

Explore how your contribution will inspire critical thinking and problem-solving skills in tomorrow's solutionist leaders.

Corporations spend millions of dollars for a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl. Weeks later, hardly anyone can remember even one ad shown on TV during the last Super Bowl.

I am personally inviting corporations, foundations and individuals to be significant early adopters of this rather unique edu-tainment project.

My promise is that our dedicated team will continue to work hard to make the marketing/branding benefits well worth your while over a sustained 7 years…and beyond.

Let's connect after you have been able to peruse our quick overview. Then call or text me with your questions and/or ideas: 410.991.9718

I am looking forward to our conversation, Joel Freeman