Conceptual Design

ROSETTA UNIVERSITY®: Solutionist Central

ROSETTA UNIVERSITY®: We are using the power of an ancient story that a relatively small number of people have heard — utilizing it as the primary gateway to introduce the importance of critical thinking and problem solving. 

Hence, the dramatic ancient story surrounding the Rosetta Stone is being utilized as a metaphor to engage people of all ages to not leave behind God’s gift of the human brain in our pursuit of AI-type technologies. 

The 5,000 square foot traveling exhibit, along with the Rosetta Universe® on the Metaverse, will become the entry way to a robust problem solving curriculum designed to educate people of all ages (especially students) regarding a comprehensive process for tackling the 15 categories of problems humans encounter in everyday life (moral/ethical, interpersonal, technical, organizational, et al).

The Rosetta University® is designed to help people become certified Solutionists®. Imagine a segment of our current and next generation trained to look for solutions when confronted by personal problems, along with systemic problems they encounter in their respective spheres of influence. 

The ROSETTA 7-Step Problem-Solving® curriculum, utilized by the Rosetta University®, is designed to be the centerpiece of the entire project.

7-Step ROSETTA Problem-Solving® Process:

  • Recognize the Problem
  • Obtain information
  • Specify goals
  • Evaluate options
  • Test solutions
  • Take action
  • Assess results

Click for Quick OVERVIEW of entire project.



Join us in shaping the future of education and innovation. Your support will make a profound difference in empowering generations through the Rosetta Stone project.

Explore how your contribution will inspire critical thinking and problem-solving skills in tomorrow's solutionist leaders.

Corporations spend millions of dollars for a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl. Weeks later, hardly anyone can remember even one ad shown on TV during the last Super Bowl.

I am personally inviting corporations, foundations and individuals to be significant early adopters of this rather unique edu-tainment project.

My promise is that our dedicated team will continue to work hard to make the marketing/branding benefits well worth your while over a sustained 7 years…and beyond.

Let's connect after you have been able to peruse our quick overview. Then call or text me with your questions and/or ideas: 410.991.9718

I am looking forward to our conversation, Joel Freeman