Rosetta Stone Replicas

Rosetta Stone Replica: Classic, Jr

The Rosetta Stone: Found in 1799 on the west bank of the Nile by French soldiers, this 1,700 pound fragment of an ancient slab gave up the clues that ultimately cracked the code to hieroglyphics some 23 years later, in 1822 -- unlocking the secrets of ancient Egypt.

The Rosett Stone Replica: Classic, Jr. Model: There is nothing like it in the world! 2/3 size, 3-D (approx 30" tall x 20" wide x 7.5" thick, 25 lbs).

limited time offer. perfect for exhibition in your school, gallery or home.

Each replica is hand-crafted (resin), with inscriptions etched into the face and filled with oil-based white paint, with its own serial number.

It will take 4-6 weeks for delivery.




Join us in shaping the future of education and innovation. Your support will make a profound difference in empowering generations through the Rosetta Stone project.

Explore how your contribution will inspire critical thinking and problem-solving skills in tomorrow's solutionist leaders.

Corporations spend millions of dollars for a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl. Weeks later, hardly anyone can remember even one ad shown on TV during the last Super Bowl.

I am personally inviting corporations, foundations and individuals to be significant early adopters of this rather unique edu-tainment project.

My promise is that our dedicated team will continue to work hard to make the marketing/branding benefits well worth your while over a sustained 7 years…and beyond.

Let's connect after you have been able to peruse our quick overview. Then call or text me with your questions and/or ideas: 410.991.9718

I am looking forward to our conversation, Joel Freeman